
I just wanted to share some of the nice notes my therapy team has been sending me.

From Dr. Tininenko after our visit last Thursday:

HI Justin,

I really wanted to call this afternoon, but didn’t know if it would feel helpful or not. I thought to be safe, I’d have [Dr. Osborne] check in instead 🙂 Save this email until tomorrow if you need a break!

I just have to say that you have been doing such incredible work. Over the past 4 days, you have reclaimed spaces and have done things that you have never before attempted or have not done for a very long time. I am inspired and in awe of your commitment and your outright bravery at every step. It’s really exhausting to do this work and get up and do it yet again, yet you’re doing it and continuing to do it. I’m being very honest when I say that there are so very few people I work with who jump right in to the extent that you have from day #1.

I want to make sure that you know that in case you’re feeling any bit of reluctance, defeat or frustration because OCD jumped in at the end. I know it’s hard not to have the wave of really unpleasant emotions, especially after such a long day of fighting for every inch of your apartment. It’s the way that OCD treatment goes. Sometimes OCD jumps in and in the end, that’s ok. That’s just what makes it so darn hard. What you did today- sitting with it, even when fear spiked so fast (and you probably just wanted to run out of there!), is exactly what it takes to really gain ground on ocd. It’s the hardest part and you did it. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a humongous win that will definitely carry you forward.

I hope that you are feeling some pride in the work that you did today. You removed so many stickies! It was truly amazing!

And from Dr. Osborne the following day:

Hi Justin

Just wanted to let you know that I hope your session today goes as well as it can given how hard yesterday was. In talking with the IOP team this morning they indicated that virtually every IOP clients has an experience during the first 1-2 weeks of treatment in which things feel very hard and overwhelming, and that is because doing IOP is so much work and is pushing back on OCD in such a big way.

You have made really incredible gains this week. And I know that you are likely very tired and frustrated about how triggered you were yesterday. For years your OCD has been telling you things that have turned out not to be true – that doing all the avoidance and rituals to avoid feeling anxious will make your life better. In reality, it has only made life worse. So, when your OCD tries to capitalize on what happened yesterday and convince you that this is all too risky, try to keep this in mind. It’s never been right before, so it is probably not right now. If you can keep pushing, even when you are anxious, you will get better. It is not easy, and there will be ups and downs (even during treatment sessions), but you can win. I’m here if you need to touch base at all this weekend.

And a follow up text from Dr. Osborne after the session on the same day.

Hi Justin. I got your email and I am so happy to hear how well you felt the session went. I saw [Dr. Coco] when she got back to the office and said you did an awesome job. She said you were cooking pasta when she left. I was so happy for you and proud of you it made me tear up 🙂

And a text after today’s session:

Hi Justin. Just debriefing with [Dr. Ravid] and he said you had a really hard session and that you did an incredible job! You have made unbelievable gains in the last 2 weeks. I am sure ocd is pushing back right about now, just know you are winning and are going to keep winning. SO proud of you!!!


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